only thing I remember noticing about her was that a sparkle had come into her eyes and her voice had a new ring to it. I waited for her comment as she guid- ed me around.


Then she said, "Not too bad not too bad at all. I don't like to admit it, but my paisley print looks ra- ther well on you. She paused as if thinking things ov- er then continued, "Terry, my first thought was to pun- ish you, but as you have described your actions and motives, I see that punishment as such is not the answ- ег. Quite obviously you like my clothes better than your masculine self respect. And since your imagina- tion works overtime at convincing you that life is bet- ter as a girl you may stay with me as planned but only as a girl. You'll be expected to help with all the cook- ing, shopping and housework just as any well raised yo ung lady house guest would. And to be fair, we will al- so do the fun things you expected to do. Whenever I am away from the apartment I will leave a list to guide your efforts. And one last thing; I will give you all the clothes you require but I caution you seriously not to go through my things again. That, I just can't tole ra te. And you will be severely punished if you disobey me. I thanked her for being so understanding and promised that I would give her no cause to regret her decision.



Then she said, "Well Terry I guess Terry is as good a girl's name as any I've made reservations for two for dinner at the S outh Shore. It's only some six blocks from here. So I suggest that we walk over.

I was so dumbfounded by her suggestion that I spend the next ten days as a girl in her home that the adverse consequences only became crystal clear when I realiz- ed that I would have to go out in public now. I got stage fright. I pleaded with Aunt Catherine to give me a little time to get used to my new role. But she insis- ted that I was psychologically prepared already.

"Besides, she said, "It isn't every day I made res- ervations to dine at the South Shore and I have no in- tention of breaking them." Then when she saw how con- fused and desperate I had become, her gentle wisdom prompted her to say, Don't worry Terry, before we 54